Monday, August 17, 2009

State Gospel Music Jamboree

Last week (Thursday - Saturday) I attended our denomination's state gospel music jamboree in Billings. In attendance were advanced, intermediate, and beginner acoustic musicians in order to learn more about their craft, do a little jamming together, as well as fellowshiping with each other. Others attended just to sing and enjoy the music. Fellowship Baptist Church (FBC) in Billings, MT hosted the event. My hat's off to Pastor Ken, his staff, and those who are FBC. They all did a great job serving us and making us feel at home. Thank you FBC!

As I attend meetings and conferences I always try to go with an open heart for what God has for me and also how I can encourage and build-up others. In the Bible Study Friday morning that was brought to us the Lord gave me something I used in yesterday's sermon. In the gospel of John 5:19 it was pointed out that Jesus didn't come to earth with His own adjenda, but instead He was all about doing the things of His Father. I shared at the end of my sermon yesterday from Philippians 2:5-11 that if Jesus came without His own adjenda, how dare we come to ministry and church things with our man-made adjendas. Thank You for that truth Lord. The Bible study on Saturday morning was about the different stringed, horn, and percussion musical instruments in the Bible and the question was asked which instrument is the most important in the Bible. Answer: God's people (you and me). Great insight from the Scriptures.

If you're a Christian musician keep playing your music to the glory of God. If you're a believer in Christ and you feel the Lord wanting you to play or sing for Him, prayerfully choose an instrument and get started. Practicing for just 15 minutes a day will help you get better and better in no time. Music is a great way to praise and magnify the Lord. It is also a great way to meet non-believers in order to build relationships with them and share Christ with them as well.

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus today (Hebrews 12:2).


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