I haven't written for a while because I didn't know how to respond to a heartbreaking event in the life of my family. Shortly after writing the blog titled "A Grandfather!" our daughter's unborn baby miscarried. I cannot express to you in words the pain and heartache in her face as she told us the news after the ultrasound at the hospital. I would have done anything at that moment to take the pain she was feeling upon myself. I really would have. My wife and I wept as we watched her and her husband walk to their vehicle arm-in-arm, shoulder-to-shoulder from the hospital. She and her husband are doing fine now, some weeks later.
So as I process all of this, I am as confident as ever that I will see my grandson or granddaughter in heaven. He or she will be mature. Even now he or she is mature, worshiping God and enjoying his or her eternal home. I believe that human life begins at conception and I also believe that babies and young children, even unborn babies, that die, in God's grace, go to heaven (see John MacArthur's book Safe In The Arms of God). I also think of the Scripture when King David's baby died. Talking about the child he said, "I will go to him, he will not come to me (2 Samuel 12:23).
So, I am still a grandfather and someday I will meet my grandson or granddaughter after I see my Savior. Can't wait!
Oh dad...thanks. i love you.