Monday, August 10, 2009

Washing Feet

As pastor of FBC-Boulder, Montana I have been preaching through Paul's Letter to the Philippians. The last few weeks we've been at the start of chapter two which deals with humility and specifically as it has to do with the attitude of Jesus Christ. We've extensively studied vv. 2-5 and Jesus' attitude of selflessness and not merely looking out for His own interests, but instead looking out for the interests of others. The apostle Paul wanted the Philippian Christians to be together in unity (v. 2) and the way to do that was to have the humble attitude of Christ (v. 5).

Verses 6-8 are a Christological treasure trove of truth concerning Jesus' deity and humanity, while vv. 9-11 are God the Father's response to His Son and His sacrifice on the cross (v. 8). As part of the introduction of these messages we looked at the example of Jesus in the gospel of John chapter 13:1-11 when He stooped in humility and washed His disciples dirty stinky feet the night before His crucifixion. Yesterday I asked the saints who make up Boulder Baptist Church if they (figuratively) washed anyone's feet last week. I also encouraged them to look for ways to humbly do the same this week.

What about you? Whose feet will you wash this week. Who will you stoop in humility to serve? "Have this [humble] attitude in yourself which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). Ask the Lord to lead you to someone whose feet you can wash. Ask Him to lead you to someone you can humbly serve like Jesus did. I'll do the same.


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