As I've been preaching through Paul's Letter to the Philippians and as I've come to the end of chaper two there are three small bios there: himself (2:17-18), Timothy (vv. 19-24) and a man named Epaphroditus (vv. 25-30). These three men are model spiritual examples for us to live like.
Paul gives us five ways that the second man, Timothy, is a model spiritual example to us. First he was available for ministry (vv. 19 & 23). He was a kindred spirit to Paul (v. 20a). He was genuinely concerned for the Philippian Christians (v. 20b-21). Timothy was also a man of proven worth in ministry to Paul (v. 22a) and a man with a servants heart (v. 22b). Quite an exceptional resume from the pen of the apostle Paul.
Question...Do you want to be a GOOD example to others? Are you a POSITIVE example to those around you (especially your family).
This isn't 100%, but Dads, the research and the numbers say that you must be an engaged loving father to your children, and their mother, a postive Christian example to your kids, for them to stay in the church and follow Christ closely. I know that the Lord must be involved in the lives of children in order for them to follow Christ, but we Dads have respnsibility in this area too. Ephesians 6:4 comes to mind, "And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."
I've been praying a lot for the teens of our church family that they would follow Christ closely and stay involved in a Bible believeing/teaching church when they leave home for college or for whatever God has in store for them. It is my prayer that godly men would point them to Christ with their actions and words.
A Dad was explaning to his son what a Christian man was like and after the boy listened intently to the explaination he looked at his father and asked, "Dad, have we ever seen a Christian man?"
Christian Dad's (and other Christian men) be good, positive Christian examples to the children around you!